Vanilla Butterscotch Ice Cream


Vanilla Butterscotch Ice Cream- How to make ice cream with low fat Amul cream- Vanilla ice cream is super easy and yummy recipe made at home with low fat Amul fresh cream with no ice cream maker. Topped with butterscotch sauce.

I have shared how to make vanilla ice cream with low fat Amul cream in a step by step method with a detailed pictures below.

I have used 2 Amul cream, milk, corn flour ,vanilla essence and condensed milk. Let’s begin to make ice cream with very few ingredients at home.

In a saucepan pour only the thick cream carefully. I had discarded about 4 tbsp of whey.

In a saucepan pour milk.

Add cornflour mix well. Cook on a medium flame.

Stir continuously till the milk becomes thick like custard sauce. Remove from heat.

Add condensed milk.

Blend in a hand mixer for 1 or 2 minutes. Cool and chill in the fridge.

In another chill vessel or bowl pour only the thick cream carefully. I had discarded about 4 tbsp of whey. Blend in a hand mixer.

Start to whip on a low speed first. Then whip on a medium speed till the soft peaks formed.

Pour in an airtight container.

Pour in an airtight container or freezer safe box. Freeze it over night.

Scoop the ice cream.

Scoop the ice cream. Serve with any flavor sauce or toppings of your choice.

Topped with praline and butterscotch sauce.


  • 2 Amul cream
  • 200 gm mithai mate
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 125 ml full skimmed milk
  • 2 tbsp cornflour


  • Chill the cream and condensed milk over night in the fridge. Chill the beater and vessel or bowl in the freezer for atleast 24 hours.
  • In a saucepan pour milk and corn flour stir constantly. Cook on a medium flame till the milk turns like a thick custard sauce. Remove from the heat add condensed milk and vanilla essence. Whip in a hand blender for 1- 2 minutes. Cool and chill in the fridge.
  • Pour the chilled cream in a chilled vessel. I have used steel vessel as it chilled faster than a bowl.
  • I have used only thick cream from Amul fresh cream. I had discarded about 4 tbsp of whey.
  • Begin to whip in a low speed first.Then increase the speed to medium.
  • Whip it till you get a stiff peaks. Do not over whip the cream will turn grainy.
  • Add 2 scoops of cream to the custard mix well. Pour this back to whipped cream. Stir gently.
  • Pour the cream mixture to a freezer safe box and freeze it over night.
  • Scoop and serve ice cream with any flavor sauce of your choice.

Recipe note

  • The bowl or vessel and beater must be chilled in the freezer for atleast 24 hours.
  • If the beater gets warm place the ice cubes below the vessel while whipping.


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