Fresh Pineapple Juice Recipe | Homemade Fresh Pineapple Juice Recipe


Pineapple juice are tropical fruit that are rich in vitamin and antioxidants . It is good for bone strength , helps in digestion , fresh pineapple taste delicious than the frozen or tinned pineapple . You can adjust sugar based on the sweetness of the fruit and your personal preference.

Health Benefits of Fresh Pineapple Juice:-

Anticancer agent to suppress cancer cells
Heart healthy benefits of vitamin C
Cataract prevention
Fertility perks in men and women
Exercise-induced asthma prevention
Osteoarthritis treatment

I have shared the recipe in  step by step method with a detailed pictures below.

Wash pineapple cut bot the edges and remove its outer skin using a sharp long knife.

Cut in to pieces

Add pineapple in a blender and blend until smooth puree

Place a strainer over a large bowl and pour puree on it. Press it gently with the spoon to get the maximum juice out of the pulp.

Add the remaining pulp in a blender , pour water blend again.


Strain once again to get all the juice from the pineapple pulp.

Pour the pine apple juice in a jar add sugar blend for a minute till sugar dissolves and get the frothy juice.

Add ice cubes , a pinch of salt and served chilled.



  • 1 fresh pineapple
  • 3 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 cup water


  • Wash pineapple cut bot the edges and remove its outer skin using a sharp long knife
  • Cut in to pieces
  • Add pineapple in a blender and blend until smooth puree
  • Place a strainer over a large bowl and pour puree on it
  • Press it gently with the spoon to get the maximum juice out of the pulp
  • Add the remaining pulp in a blender, Pour water , blend again
  • Strain once again to get all the juice from the pineapple pulp
  • Pour the pineapple juice in a jar add sugar , blend for a minute till sugar dissolves and get the frothy juice



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